Individual Therapy

Too Much Baggage?

“Yep, I’ve been told that before…”

Think about going on vacation – wouldn’t that be nice?

Now think about packing for vacation and having your suitcase so full that you have to sit on it to close it.

If you put one more thing in there, your suitcase might burst; and everything packed will scatter all over the place.

Our Baggage in Life

Everyone has a suitcase they carry with them from childhood into adulthood.

As things happen (past failures, heartaches, and traumas), we stuff it all inside our suitcase.

We never take the time to clean out our suitcase.

Hey, it’s working, right?

When the Baggage Overflows

But, just like an actual suitcase, eventually you just have too much “stuff” to fit in there anymore; and everything explodes… scattering all the things you tried so hard to keep locked away and little pieces of yourself with it.

Now what?

“I want to put it all back in.”

There is no putting it back. There is simply too much stuff and not enough room.

Unpacking for a New Beginning

Now… we must neatly unpack your suitcase and heal all the things you have stuffed there and begin a new beginning.

Your suitcase can only hold so much before it’s overwhelming and just too heavy. It’s keeping you from getting to where you want to be. It’s weighing you down.

If we’re going to carry a suitcase, it should be filled with happiness and all things needed for a real vacation – not filled with hurt, sadness, anger, and trauma.

Baggage Comes in All Sizes

The baggage we carry can come from anything big or small.

Divorce, domestic violence, sexual/physical/emotional abuse, abandonment, witnessing a traumatic event, bullying (past or present), past relationships, horrific scenes made by first responders… to name a few.

Although these are big events, baggage we carry around doesn’t have to be. Your baggage can be anything that bothers you, that you often think about and get emotional about, or replay over and over in your mind.

Let Go of What Holds You Back

Individual therapy provides a safe, confidential, and neutral place for you to work through the baggage weighing you down.

We help you recognize and process all the things you are carrying around in order to free yourself from hurt.

We use several techniques, especially EMDR, to help you heal and move on to a happy and healthy life.

Are you ready to stop living your life on the sidelines?

The rest of the world is moving on. Isn’t time you did, too?

We can help on your journey to a new beginning. Let us help you get your life back!

Give us a call: (662) 349-2979.